Tech Jobs in Croydon

Tech jobs in Croydon have been on the rise, offering competitive salaries and a growing market for professionals in the field.

Salary Information

  • Average Salary 2022: £41,650
  • Average Salary 2023: £43,616
  • Median Salary 2022: £38,726
  • Median Salary 2023: £39,641

These figures show a modest increase in both average and median salaries from 2022 to 2023, making Croydon an attractive area for tech professionals seeking growth in their careers.

Air Quality

Croydon has an average background concentration of air pollutants measured at 13.6 μg/m³. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), the recommended average background concentration of air pollutants should be below 10 μg/m³. Croydon's air quality slightly exceeds this recommendation, but it is still within a range that is considered manageable for most residents. For job seekers, this means a relatively healthy living environment, which is an important factor to consider when relocating for work.

Transport Accessibility

Croydon has a borough public transport accessibility level (PTAL) of 2. PTALs are rated from 1 to 6, with 6 being the highest level of accessibility. A PTAL of 2 indicates limited public transport options, which could impact your daily commute. However, Croydon is well-connected by train and tram services, which can offset some of the limitations reflected in the PTAL rating. For tech professionals, this means considering the balance between living costs and commuting convenience when job hunting in the area.

Population and Housing

  • Population: 416,582
  • Average Rent 2023: £1,434 per month

With a sizable population, Croydon offers a vibrant community and a range of amenities. The average rent of £1,434 per month is relatively affordable compared to central London, making it a cost-effective choice for tech workers. Lower housing costs can be a significant factor when deciding on a job location, allowing more disposable income for other living expenses or savings.

Key Takeaways for Job Seekers

  • Competitive Salaries: Steady growth in tech job salaries from 2022 to 2023.
  • Air Quality: Slightly above WHO recommendations but generally manageable.
  • Transport: Moderate public transport accessibility, but good connections via train and tram.
  • Affordable Living: Reasonable rent prices compared to central London.

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